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Digital Detox Week – AQskill
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Digital Detox Week

Published 3 days ago

Digital Detox week

All learning enthusiasts should move closer as we explore something which has become essential in our connected daily lives. A Digital Detox Week. And guess what? At AQskill you can find everything needed to experience both learning and educational value.

Take it as a week where you step back from the constant buzz of notifications, the endless scroll through social media, and screen exposure. Challenging right? Relax, it’s all worth it. The benefits of switching off extend far beyond device power-off because they lead to both rediscovering the joy of reality and personal life achievement and productivity improvements as well as brain relaxation.

Here’s where AQskill comes into play. I don’t want you to just learn a new skill now I’m concerned about nurturing your well-being too. Here we are not telling you to disconnect completely.

Instead, we want you to learn how to use your newfound time effectively.
If you want to take your life seriously and grow personally, start with the “Eat That Frog” approach and tackle your hardest task first thing in the morning. Moreover, we feel more energetic after a good night’s rest, then learn to break our big goals into smaller, manageable steps, like fraction your lessons 30 minutes each day. Use time blocking to work on different tasks when your energy is highest for that type of activity, and focus on one task at a time to increase your productivity. Rediscover offline hobbies like reading and boost creativity without digital distractions. Find that one thing that works for you before you get so attached to your device. Take a break to make decisions that shape your tomorrow for the better.

Use this Digital Detox Week to feel refreshed, with a new perspective on every moment in your life. And who knows, maybe you’ll find that balance you’ve been seeking. AQskill cares; less screen time means more lifetime.  

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